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History and Social Studies

Develop a world view that appreciates other cultures

The Duchesne Academy History Department is committed to the Goals and Criteria of the Sacred Heart and believes that it is not enough to aid the student in knowledge and recall information, but to also guide the student in becoming a faith-based, civic minded individual who can gather, analyze, and communicate information effectively, as well as think critically and draw independent conclusions.  Students should consider a global, pluralist view of the world, so they come to see and value the need for a community identity as well as an individual one. In addition, students should wisely devote time to research and writing in a full and honest examination of world issues that will increase their awareness of inequities and injustices that may impel them to act on behalf of the worlds’ citizens. 

AP Classes

Start Sophomore Year

The History Department offers the only AP classes to sophomores.

Outside of the Box


Seniors can apply for an internship at the Durham Museum.

Understand Your History

Start Freshman Year

Focus on understanding world history and cultures.

Sacred Heart Goals Adapted for the History Department:

Goal One: To educate to a personal and active faith in God, students will develop a sense of hope for the future by developing an awareness of past struggles and an awareness in social justice.

Goal Two: To educate to a deep respect for intellectual values, students will become logical, observant, curious and critical thinkers.

Goal Three: To educate to a social awareness which impels to action, students will utilize the knowledge they gain about other cultures, history and current issues to become informed citizens who identify problems and develop solutions.

Goal Four: To educate to the building of community as a Christian value, students will appreciate the diversity of the Duchesne and larger community, as well as understand and appreciate the meaning of the past and use it to give form and meaning to the present and to the future.

Goal Five:  To educate to a personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom, students will exhibit a desire to find answers to their own questions and develop a lifelong appreciation for learning history as a path to personal growth. 


Course Requirements

History is required all 4 years.

Activities in History

Aca Deca
Capitol Forum
Mock Trial


Heidi Reinhart

Heidi Reinhart

History and Social Studies Department Head, Social Studies Teacher
LeClara Gilreath

LeClara Gilreath

History Teacher
Adam Klepper

Adam Klepper

History Teacher
Raz Molotiu

Raz Molotiu

Social Studies Teacher