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Parent Resources

Daily Announcements

Click here for a look at what's happening TODAY at Duchesne!

Pay for lunch

Duchesne has one lunch period a day and more than 100 students, faculty and staff come through the line.  In order to keep things moving and give our community time to enjoy the fabulous meal, we rely on parent volunteers to come serve lunch. 

Parents, grandparents, older siblings, all are welcome to come to Sophie’s Kitchen and serve lunch. 

Volunteer to serve lunch

Athletic Events

We utilize GoFan for athletic event admissions and Booster Club passes!

Click here to purchase tickets or a pass

Cash will still be welcome at all home events, but Go Fan is our only electronic option. 

Book Lists


Bell Schedule

Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus is a campus-wide student information system. Parents have access to their daughter's personal information, attendance, grades, test scores, and schedule. Access Infinite Campus here.


Scoir helps students and Duchesne's support staff connect students with college and scholarship opportunities. Access Scoir here.