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Burt Street News

The Burt Street News is a weekly newsletter produced and distributed by the Duchesne Academy Communications team. If you'd like your email added to our list, please contact Director of Communications, Hannah Miller at

An Important Message from Duchesne's Head of School
  • Parent News

Dear Duchesne Parents: 

Town Hall Meeting

I am excited to report that on September 5, 2024, we held an historic groundbreaking ceremony for our A Bold Step Forward campaign! We have been planning this space for years and are thrilled to share with you the plans for a state-of-the-art athletic complex, cafeteria, kitchen, and student commons at a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, October 3rd, 5:00 pm, in the Joanne Fitzpatrick, RSCJ, Grand Hall (the Fitz). 

Via Christe

I want to share that Via Christe, the assisted living facility that operates on our campus, will close its doors at the end of this month. They have been wonderful neighbors to our community for more than 20 years, and many of our students have had the valuable opportunity of meeting with some its residents. With their facility so close to ours, we have heard a rumor that Duchesne had something to do with the closure of the facility and displaced the residents. This is NOT true. We have not been involved with any decisions related to Via Christe closing nor relocating its residents. 

What’s next? We’re not sure. Duchesne was approached with an opportunity to purchase the building, and we are currently evaluating the possibility of acquiring the property, however, we have not made any decisions regarding plans for the space.  The Via Christe building is not involved in the Bold Step Forward campaign 

Thank you for entrusting us with your daughter’s education. We look forward to seeing you on October 3rd.


Meg Huerter Brudney A'87

Head of School

Read More about An Important Message from Duchesne's Head of School

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