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Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry first and foremost, seeks to meet each student, wherever they are in their faith journey, and help them to know the loving Sacred Heart of Jesus. We hold fast to this desire that all students feel loved by all, including themselves, and know without a doubt that God loves them simply for who they are.

We strive to educate all students in the faith of the Catholic church. We take seriously the words of our foundress St. Madeleine Sophie Barat who said, “For the sake of one child, I would have founded the Society.” Thus, we see each student as a unique individual; we meet her wherever she is, and provide opportunities to start, maintain, or grow her own personal and active faith in God. We bring attention to how God may speak in the people and events of the everyday. And we humbly acknowledge that we are but small parts in the wondrous relationship that God has for each of us.

Finally, we aspire to make our students open-eyed, alert to the needs of others, generous in service, and courageous in pursuing justice. We instruct students in how to prayerfully discern, follow their conscience, and stand for what in which they believe. We help students grow in self-confidence and deal realistically with gifts and limitations… modeling that we need not grieve what talents God withheld, but rather recognize, rejoice, and use those that were given for good.


At Duchesne Academy, we are a community of prayer.

Sacred Heart Goal 1 Criteria 6 states: Members of the school community, open to the transforming power of the Spirit of God, engage in personal and communal prayer, discernment and reflection which inform their actions.

In this Spirit, if you would like to share a prayer request please fill out the form below. Requests will be sent to our Ministry Team, and then they will be put into the weeks' Burt Street News to share out with community.

Note: Prayers made on behalf of another person or family will be honored anonymously.

First Name
Last Name

If you have any questions about Duchesne's Campus Ministry, please contact:

Scott Quinn

Scott Quinn

Campus Ministry Dept Chair