Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees 2024-2025
Kay Doyle | Oui Coaching and Consulting
Head of School
Meg Huerter Brudney A’83
Mary Catherine Bernstein, RSCJ, C’68 | Society of the Sacred Heart
Eveline Gnabasik Bethune A’05 | Coastal Bend Retail Holdings, LLC
Dan Caldwell | First National Bank of Omaha
Bobbi Christensen | Koley Jessen
Ed Fleming | Colliers-International
Reyna González, RSCJ | Society of the Sacred Heart
Kara Kelley | Community Volunteer
Dan Kinsella | Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Bob Kula | Kiewit
Joe Lang | RDG Planning and Design
Terri Laughlin | Methodist College of Nursing
Scott Moore | Baird Holm
Ron Quinn | Tenaska
Stacie Reed | Community Volunteer
Anne Coffey Rog A’69 | Community Volunteer
Meg Steele | Sacred Heart Schools, Chicago
Jeffrey Sullivan, SJ | Creighton University
Ann Knowles Tjaden A’79 | Community Volunteer
Shawna Francis Watley A’87 | Holland & Knight
Anna Lee Welch A'93 | Community Volunteer
Tiffany White-Welchen A’86 | Healthy Blue Nebraska
Noni Williams A'10 | Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Jennifer Kizer Woodward A’89 | Koley Jessen